How You Can Help

We need your help to continue reaching students at University of Arkansas!

Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to participate in the Light on the Hill campaign and give sacrificially. Your prayerful and financial support will bring the best of Catholic beauty and truth to the corner of Leverett and Douglas.

St Thomas thrives due to the generous support of alumni, parents and friends. This transformative campaign, Light on the Hill, calls on us all to make St. Thomas a philanthropic priority. As a university parish, the success our day to day ministry relies on your prayers, engagement in our mission and financial support. The need to expand has never been greater!

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Campaign Summary

Your gift will provide a recognizable, joyful home away from home for students and staff on campus to experience the love and fullness of life in Christ. Your generosity will fuel vocations, raise up saints, and create lifelong disciples of Jesus right here in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Area of Need

Building Costs


Ministry Expansion


Minimum Goal




$14.5 – $15 million

Sit down with us!

Want to learn more about the Capital Campaign? We’d love to sit down with you and share more details about the vision for the future of our parish community and what your role could be in that vision!